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The word faith comes from he Latin fidere: to trust. Rather than being just an outcome of religion, faith can be seen as a process of connectivity, connecting ideas together through trust.

We are reminded of this challenge to connect every time we start a prayer and invoke the Trinity. Here we have the coming together of three main ideas: the father, God projected in Heaven, the Son: God reflected on earth and the Holy Spirt: God as is understood and expressed through the self, breathed in and out through human consciousness (spirit coming from the Latin Spīrāre, to breath). On a simpler level this is a connection between what is seen, what is made and what is felt, connected as a symbol of one.

A practical way of understanding this sacred union (or com- Union) is through the humble act of drawing. Learn to literally draw together a greater connection to faith through one of these faith formation workshops. Below is an extended selection of themes to chose from, with each theme presented in a three stage format: demonstration, explanation and practice.  Sessions generally run for the day but can be modified to suit. More information is below. 

Building from 25 years of sculpting, teaching and learning some of the themes presented include...

1. The Sacramental Sculptor: Explore the role ritual and the sacraments play in creative process. 

2. The Triumvirate: beauty, goodness and truth: Explore how these values interact to create meaning in our life

3. The Tension of Opposites : As we face a world of seemingly irreconcilable polarities explore the idea of the diverse being complemented the converse. 

The Practicalities of Prayer: Explore how to break down the elements of beauty we aspire to in prayer. 

Toward a Greater Self: How do we break out of our preoccupied state and connect more deeply with the world around us. 

The Treachery of the Sacred: Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. 

Absolute and Relative Values

Explore the passage values through Medieval, Modern and Postmodern times. 

The Virtues of Goodness : How creativity enhances virtues and virtues enhances creativity. 

The Calvary of Creativity: Learning to let it go. 

10 The Spinning Symbol: Why a spinning colour wheel appears white. 

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